Spotted at: Berkeley Flea Market
Occupation: Clothing/Acessory Truck Vendor
What are you up to today?
I'm selling at the Berkeley Flea Market.
Do you come here every week?
I'm here every other weekend. I travel to San Francisco, and all around the Bay Area. I pretty much pop up everywhere. I'm a little pop-up shop.
How did you start your clothing truck?
I started out vending at the Berkeley Market and always envisioned it bigger. I started growing and growing until October when I got my truck and started selling out of my truck.
Was it hard to find this truck?
It took me about a year and a half to find exactly what I wanted.
I like the design on it—did you do that yourself?
Well I already had my logo and I kind of had the design feel, so I just had wrap guys come and help me put a big sticker on my truck.
How did you know that this was something that you wanted to do?
I cut all my hair off and I needed earrings to go with my looks. I started making and creating and then it just flew with that! It's been about two and a half years. I started out making my own jewelry, and then I moved to screen printing shirts and then it just kind of evolved.
Were you working another job as well?
No, I was a stay-at-home mom. I am a stay-at-home mom!
How old are your kids?
Three, five, and 13.
What have been some recent inspirations?
Right now I'm really into colors. Spring is speaking to me and I'm enjoying it. I'm into yellows, blues, purples, pinks—like I have on today. I have on so many colors today it's not even funny! [laughs] Once I knew the sun was shining and it was going to be nice this weekend, I brought all the colors out. You can see from my truck—there's a lot of color in here.
Anything been on your mind lately?
Travel. I want to go and see the world and see other styles and other cultures and kind of bring that to California, but interpret it in my way. So if I see a nice beaded necklace, to I want to recreate that into something I would love and that would fit into my personality. I'm thinking Cabo, or Jamaica or something like that.
What places do you think have really great style?
I love African style, Kenya, Ghana—I love the style there. My husband is Jamaican, so I have to go to Jamaica—I haven't been yet. But yeah, I haven't done too much traveling. I just came back from Canada, but that's another level!
Any recent things that have sparked your interest?
A book for my business that I love is #GIRLBOSS. I was reading it on my nook, and I took it off my nook and got the hardback because I like to highlight and look pictures over. That book really spoke to me and I think anybody who's even thinking about starting a business should actually go and get it because she has some great stuff.
I love the freedom of being able to be my own boss. If I see something cute that will work for my business, then I go with it. I sell natural hair care products, jewelry, clothing—anything that I think a woman should have to feel gorgeous and beautiful, I put it in here.
I also wanted to ask you about your outfit because I love your personal style!
I did simple and easy today! [laughs] I didn't really want to get dressed so I wore the jumper. But I had to style it with a jean jacket and then, gosh, this is bad—I didn't do my hair, so I put on a headwrap. I knew if I came to the market I'd find some funky fresh head wrap. So I put it on, and it actually looked like my style and I look amazing! I was like, I can do this!
I also like your "I love my puffs" earrings!
I sell these in my boutique, and I just took a pair and was like, these are mine and I'm going to take them and keep them. But I like anything that speaks to me. They go with my hair, and my little puff of hair—sometimes I'll wear afro puffs in my afro.
I love your ruler ring as well.
I got this in LA at a boutique called Runway—it's funky and it's fresh and nobody is going to have it, so I get so many compliments. I love different stuff like that.
The sandals are great too!
I was vending in Oakland last summer and I saw a lady with these on and she was like, you have to go and get them and they're awesome! Tell you the truth, they're from Payless—I would never have thought that, but she told me that and I was like, I'm going!
You can check out Chris' personal website here.